Peru's Amazonia - Cloud Forest & Rainforest
Peru's final gem is Amazonia, officially one of the most biologically diverse areas on Earth. Making up 60% of Peru itself, it is home to the largest number of bird species in the world, and the third largest number of mammals, including caiman and jaguar. It is also home to a huge number of butterflies, rare orchids and other flowers, and an amazing variety of other plants.
In Peru's Amazonian Rainforest we recommend that you take a once-in-a-lifetime cruise down the tributaries of the mighty Amazon into the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve near Iquitos in NE Peru. |
For a land experience and similar close encounters with Peru's unique natural riches, visit pristine Manu (via Cuzco) or famed Tambopata (via Puerto Maldonado) in the SE of Peru. In the case of Manu, en route to the Rainforest area you will also pass through a Cloud Forest section (between 1500 - 3000m AMSL), offering a rare opportunity to capture sights of unique flora & fauna for this increasingly delicate and vanishing eco-system.
On board superbly equipped river-boats, or on land tours enjoying close-up and personal views of unique flora and fauna with experienced guides, make Peru YOUR next destination!
For MORE on each of these two great options see BELOW
For MORE on each of these two great options see BELOW
Amazon River Cruises
Without doubt one of the best holiday experiences in South America is a cruise aboard one of the 20+ river boats that offer a secure and exclusive view of Amazonia's unique flora and fauna, visiting the pristine bio-sphere that is the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve near Iquitos in NE Peru. Iquitos itself is a short 2-hour hop by air from Lima. From Iquitos or nearby Nauta, cruise companies offer a series of excursions lasting from 4 days to 2 weeks, on vessels varying in size and quality to suit all budgets. |
These include hi-end offers on all-inclusive delux vessels: through to premium options on slightly bigger vessels with less gloss but no less comfort; to economy packages that also deliver a safe, comfortable and unforgettable experience. Ultimately, it is all about nature and seeing with your own eyes the beauty that is Amazonia! From observing gentle sloths, to laughing at monkeys' antics, or being wary of swimming with the piranhas and caiman (Yes! They invite you to do so!), or being surrounded by pink river dolphins, it is ALL simply just such an amazing experience, that you will want to come back for more!! Click BELOW to see MORE detail & Rates. |
Manu and Tambopata National Parks
The other way to enjoy Peru's Amazonia and possibly sight jaguar, is on a land tour to Manu or Tambopata National Parks. The former is accessed by road out of Cuzco, whilst visitors normally fly to Puerto Maldonado for the latter. With so much of the rainforest being under threat elsewhere, these remain as two of Peru's most pristine destinations for nature. |
Either flying into Puerto Maldonado or starting with an early morning vehicle departure from Cuzco, the first and last days are time spent accessing the depths of the parks to be visited. But it is all worth it, as the deeper one can go into the interior means more chances of a rare sighting of giant otter, anteater or even jaguar!
You will have incredible sightings of stunningly beautiful Amazonian parrots at salt licks and see other birds such as the "wild" Hoatzin, and many other river birds. The Cock-of-the-Rock is another particular favourite with its scarlet coat. Also monkeys, tapir, caiman and macaws are regular subjects for photographers. It is ALL simply just such an amazing experience, that once visited you will want to come back for more, and MORE!!
Click BELOW to see MORE detail & Rates |
TRAVEL TIPS: It is recommended that travellers to Amazonia have a Yellow Fever inoculation and Hepatitus A as a minimum, and may wish to consider the risks of Zika. All operators report that the travel zones we list are currently Malaria Free. However, you should check with your national health authorities before travel